Amy and Jesse got married!




We have to announce, as of today, it’s been 6 years since I’ve known Amy. It’s been a tremendous whirl wind of a relationship, and today I told her, you know, in the time we’ve been together, we could have had another Bachelor’s degree and a masters, and in fact we have. That is, a masters in figuring each other out, and there’s so much more to look forward to.

We celebrated the occasion tonight with a home cooked meal and hopes of passing out candy to trick or treaters! We carved two amazing jack-o-lanterns, roasted the seeds, and I carved out a bunch of pumpkin to cook two loaves of bread and a batch of chicken soup with a vanilla pumpkin broth! Now we’re stuck with two bags of left over candy and a ton of soup to last.

I know .. I know, in the long range of things, we should celebrate with jewelry, fine dining, and a myriad of surprises, but in the end, some times, it’s so nice to have someone to just relax with.